Life changing training programs from Zen Habits

Fearless Training

For those who have worked hard to grow themselves and their work in the world … but have something big they’d like to create.

You have meaningful work but your patterns are getting in the way. You’re ready to train in the uncertainty of that work, to dive into your patterns and shift them to openness, joy, and meaning.

We are committed to our mission to help you (and a million others) change your life through this program.

Learn more about Fearless Living Academy

Sea Change

Sea Change is about the power of transforming your life, one small habit at a time.

We all have a dozen or more habits we’d like to change, and if we could change them all at once, it would be an incredible transformation! But we’ve found that method doesn’t work. What works is one habit at a time. Gradual change. With accountability and support. Join our community and see it for yourself.

Learn more about the Sea Change program

Fearless Mastery

Are you an entrepreneur or founder seeking community on a deeper level with others like you committed to walking the path and working with uncertainty? Join us in this 6-month mastermind & Live intensive.

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